Chapter 60: The Two Headed Ogre Lan Lu

A Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance fleet was sailing through the seas.

The brown-red hulls, pure white sails, and azure ocean surface created a beautiful scene.

The navigator had a ruler, compass, and other tools laid out on a large ocean map, using them to accurately gauge their exact position on it.

On this ocean map, there were symbols that marked Snake Rat Island, Stone Egg Island, and other such places.

After the navigator finished their measurements, he happily said, “Lord Captain, we are only two days from Snake Rat Island.”

The captain nodded, “That is good. Speaking of which, our luck has been pretty good, we haven’t even seen the shadow of a pirate.”

“Within a day, we’ll enter Snake Rat Island’s protection.”

“When that happens, we can relax a bit…”

Just as the captain said that the lookout suddenly shouted, “Enemy attack, pirates found to the right side!”

The captain’s brows immediately pursued, and all of the sailors in the fleet grew tense.

The lookout then shouted in panic, “That flag! Oh no, it’s the Two Headed Pirate Group!”

The sailors immediately grew tumultuous.

The captain’s face also changed.

The Two Headed Pirate Group were notorious, their commander, Lan Lu, was a two headed ogre who cultivated both battle qi and magic. His troops were also all ogres.

Ogres had thick skin and astonishing strength.

At the same time, they were omnivorous, and liked to eat elves, dwarfs, and humans.

Those unlucky enough to be attacked by the Two Headed Pirate Group would not only have their property snatched, but they would also be treated as food and end up in an ogre’s belly.

“Flee now!” The captain ordered, “Issue a distress message to Snake Rat Island.”

With a head filled with cold sweat, the navigator made to do so at once.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance fleet had excellent and comprehensive equipment, including magic communication devices that could send messages over long distances.

However, even if Snake Rat Island received this distress message, they were too far to be able to assist them now.

The merchant alliance fleet activated their alchemy devices, and their sails fell, and an artificial sea wind blew from motors at top speed.

The fleet’s speed increased by 30%

“Hehehe, you think you can escape?” The Two Headed Pirate Group’s captain, Lan Lu, was sneering on the ship’s bow.

He was 3.2 meters in height, had two heads, and had a very plump belly. The hair that covered his body was thick and his skin was blue suffused with purple. A stench emitted from his body that only had simple yellow leather clothes around it.

He only had a wolf teeth club in his right hand, and a crooked willow wood casting staff in his left.

“Give me chase!” Lan Lu shouted, exposing his mouth full of yellow-black teeth.

The pirates joyfully cried out, and steered their sole ship, rapidly closing the distance.

“Not good, they have a magic ship!” The sailors grew more frightened.

“The Sapphire…” The merchant alliance captain gnashed his teeth.

Heh knew much more information.

The Sapphire was a bronze level magic ship, it once belonged to the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance, but when it was in a repair dock, a novice Lan Lu had stolen it away.

With this magic ship, Lan Lu led his clan to have a foothold in the ocean, he looted to survive, continuously grow, and gradually expand.

“Captain, toss the goods, the other side will chase after it!” The navigator shouted.

The captain’s face was filled with hesitation and struggle.

These goods were very valuable, if they were lost, he would no longer be a captain.

His future in the merchant alliance was bound to grow dark and lightless.

But if he didn’t toss them, and the pirates caught up, they would lose all of their lives.

“Toss them, toss the goods, save only the valuable ones. Toss anything heavy off all of the ships!” The captain finally issued the order.

As merchandise was thrown into the seawater, the ships buoyed higher in the water, and the merchant alliance fleet grew faster.

But due to the captain’s hesitation, it was too little too late.

The magic ship had gotten close enough, and now they were within Lan Lu’s spell casting range.

Lan Lu raised his casting staff high.

Quick cast!

Cast successful!

Bang, boom.

A series of ten lightning bolts appeared in the clear sky.

The lightning cracked into the decks, causing wood splinters to fly and sparks to shower. It cracked into the sails, tearing and igniting them.

Some unlucky sailors were struck by the lightning, turning into ash, deader than dead.

“Halt! I pledge that I will not eat anyone that can work.” Lan Lu’s left head roared, “If you try to escape again, I will eat everyone.”

The merchant alliance sailors were very frightened, and when they heard those words, they all hesitated.

Everyone looked at the merchant alliance captain.

The captain hesitated again.

During this time, Lan Lu’s right head chortled, “That’s right, just like that. They hesitated!”

“First, we deceive them, then we take them all prisoner. Eat any disobedient ones on the spot. The obedient ones will be imprisoned, and become our food stores.”

“Ah, I’ve proven myself so when I came up with this brilliant scheme.” 

I have been starving for many days, I want to eat people, I want to eat people!”

As he said that, Lan Lu’s right hand raised his wolf teeth club as saliva flowed from the side of his mouth.

“Idiot!” Lan Lu’s left head exploded in anger.

His troops, the other ogres, covered their heads. “The captain said his true feelings again!”

After hearing this conversation, the merchant alliance fleet’s last hope had vanished.

“Flee!” They cried out in heart and soul.

Unfortunately, however, because of the lightning, their ships had been greatly slowed.

The Sapphire had caught up.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance had to retaliate with artillery.

Artillery shells struck the Sapphire, but they only created sparks against its hull.

The Sapphire had a formidable defense, although it was only a bronze level magic ship, it had a layer of hard shell that could resist silver level cannon fire.

Like a fierce wolf pouncing on a flock of sheep, the Sapphire tore into the merchant alliance ships. Although they were more numerous, they were in disarray. Their counterattack could not harm the Sapphire sufficiently.

After two hours, the ocean pursuit and ensuing battle had finally come to an end.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance had suffered a total defeat, some ships were taken captive, while the other part was either sinking or had sunken into the water already.

Lan Lu sat cross-legged on the Sapphire’s deck and gnawed on the captain’s thigh.

The blood filled mouth still had scarlet leg tendons handing between its teeth. 

“The flavor is pretty good, it is a silver level human. Hehehe.” Lan Lu enjoyed it.

The ogres around him watched their captain enjoy the delicacy, all of them secretly swallowing their saliva.

Strangely, Lan Lu had a human standing next to him, one who did not belong to the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance.

This human was trembling with fear and covered in cold sweat, yet still tried to remain calm.

“Boss, the enemy ships have been plundered, most of the goods they tossed into the ocean have been picked up, while the rest have sunk into the water, they cannot be salvaged.” The ogre’s first mate reported.

“All of what?” Lan Lu asked offhand while continuing to chew on the human thigh. 

The ogre first mate read off a list of goods.

During this plunder, the Two Headed Pirate Group had a great harvest.

When the human saw that Lan Lu looked pleased, it strengthened his nerves enough for him to ask with a trembling voice, “Lord Lan Lu, the information I gave to you wasn’t wrong? This is a gesture of Rou Zang’s good faith, and also a commission. Was it to your satisfaction?”

“Satisfied, of course I am satisfied.” Lan Lu’s left head beamed, “I have heard that Rou Zang is a hero. It seems that cooperating with Rou Zang’s pirate group is always a good choice. I look forward to working together to attack Snake Rat Island.”

The human pirate from Rou Zang’s pirate group coughed, then smiled, “It is for the best…”

But before he could finish, Lan Lu’s right head spoke, “Rou Zang is a fart!”

“He couldn’t take care of two silver levels and was seriously hurt by a single cannon shot.”

“Yet now he still wants to use me to vainly attack Snake Rat Island?”

“What kind of qualifications does this weak person have to collaborate with me?”

“Is he still a gold level?”

“Hehe, I have never eaten a gold level human fighter before!”

“First we will feign agreement, and attack Snake Rat Island together.”

“Then when I see a chance, if Rou Zang is weak, don’t blame us for attacking him. Ahahaha, I look forward to how he tastes!”

“Moron.” Lan Lu’s left head angrily rebuked himself.

“Boss!” An ogre exclaimed at the same time, “You spoke your true feelings again!”

The human pirate’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open, he was scared speechless.  


Lan Lu’s club crushed the human.

“You can eat now.” Said his left head forthright.

His left head then spoke, “Summon Rou Zang’s pirate group, say that he died during the battle. Let them send another one.”

“But boss, that was the 7th one.”

“Be at ease, they will agree.” The left head sneered, his tone certain.

By the time Tan Qiu led his fleet to the battlefield, the Two Headed Pirate Group had swaggered off long ago, leaving only mostly fish eaten corpse behind.

When Tan Qiu’s ship returned, the news rapidly disseminated throughout Snake Rat Island.

The survivors thereby found out about this misfortune through that.

“The intelligence potion we ordered was on those ships, Lan Lu stole it.” Zi Di shook her head, “Our deposit is nonrefundable. Furthermore, Snake Rat Island’s market has suffered, prices will go up.”

The dragonman youngster helplessly sighed, without this potion, the big guy could only continue to temper his basic steps.

Cang Xu analyzed, “It seems that the Two Headed Pirate Group and Rou Zang are collaborating. As to what degree, it is currently unknown.”

“The waters surrounding Snake Rat Island is getting worse.”

“The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance is bound to react to their losses to some extent. It is very possible that the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance’s magician will back Lord Tan Qiu’s crusade against Rou Zang’s allied forces.”

“We have to find the Green Jade Gold Coffin as soon as possible, then separate ourselves from this den of trouble.”

“Any further delays, and I fear we won’t be able to leave.”

As a former noble steward of the Sha Ta Clan, he had considerable insight into the current political situation.

Tan Qiu had always planned to create an alliance to suppress Rou Zang’s pirate group.

To him, the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance losing a fleet was not a bad thing.

The Two headed Pirate Group’s arrival put immense external pressure on Snake Rat Island. It was possible that it would prompt an alliance even faster.

If such a great power formed, the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group temporarily berthed on Snake Rat Island would be in an awkward situation.

Tan Qiu might unite other aspects and put pressure onto the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps, forcing the survivors into joining his alliance.

Zong Ge spoke, “Our current difficulties lay with the Green Jade Gold Coffin.”

“We have been searching for it for many days, yet we have never found it.”

“The entire underground has been scouted out by us, the only remaining blank spots left are the domain of gold level magic beasts, places that are difficult to approach.”

“It is very possible that War Merchant has a teleportation formation in their territory.”