Chapter 30: Exploring the Bloodcore Again


The five ships calmly sailed across the ocean.

Far in the distance, where water intersected with the sky, the sun was slowly rising.

The young captain pushed open his captain room’s door, walked down the stairs, then stopped to sweep his eyes across the deck.

When the sailors on watch saw him, they immediately greeted him loudly.

The young captain nodded in response, then gazed into the distance at the morning sun leaping from the sea.

The sunrise reflecting across the world was beautiful beyond imagination.

The fresh and cool nip of sea breeze brushed across his face.

The dragonman’s figure gradually reflected in the crystalline sunlit waves.

He recalled last night’s discussion on the Deep Sea Monster Fish between he, Cang Xu, and Zi Di, it filled him with greater expectations.

He was only a knight, Cang Xu’s and Zi Di’s knowledge in this field was greater than his.

Although nothing was gained last night, it was only the beginning.

After they learned many things from the young man’s mouth, Cang Xu and Zi Di had already begun to rework the alchemy cabin’s magic formation to utilize its abilities to probe the Bloodcore’s deep secrets.

Right now, the young captain had to show himself publicly during the day, both to rest and guard against Rou Zang attacking them again.

Because of Rou Zang, everyone on the five ships were wary and worked vigorously, they did not need supervision.

The lookouts did not dare to goof off, they attentively watched the ocean, and if they noticed any abnormalities, they would immediately signal the alarm.

Rou Zang hadn’t been spotted the entire day, however, everyone had urgently gathered several times due to the lookouts signaling the alarm.

The young man and Zong Ge let it go, after all these emergency assemblies could temper the group’s coordination.

The survivors all knew about the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

The gold level alchemy ship provided a wide detection range. If Rou Zang’s Bath Tub pursued them, the Deep Sea Monster Fish would detect it in advance.

This was the advantage of a hidden trump card.

Very quickly, the first day passed without Rou Zang appearing.

At night, the young man once again quickly absconded to the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Zi Di and Cang Xu had been prepared in advance, and showed the youngster to the center of the alchemy formation.

The alchemy formation was called the Object Differentiation formation.

The most common usage of this formation was to analyze the nature and components of things.

The alchemy cabin had a basic version. After the tower spirit received Zi Di’s command, the drafted it anew, adding a small auxiliary formation to it. Although the power of it didn’t go up, it was easier to control, and the threshold of usage had been reduced by a large amount.

With a rumble, the Deep Sea Monster Fish’s magic power surged into the magic formation.  

The formation immediately blossomed with a dazzling golden radiance.

Zi Di’s and Cang Xu’s spirits firmly connected to the formation, and an image formed in their minds.

The image was the interior of the youngster’s heart, and the Bloodcore’s flickering scarlet blood light.

Despite this not being the first time he had seen it, Cang Xu still clicked his tongue in surprise.

He manipulated the formation and he and Zi Di began to probe the Bloodcore.

Not long after, sweat dripped down Cang Xu’s forehead, his body slightly trembled, and his complexion went pale.

He was only at the iron level, and was barely able to manipulate this gold level formation.

The magic power was supplemented externally, thus only his spirit power was burdened. Some of the spirit power was also being provided by Zi Di.

After a short period of observation, Cang Xu stopped the magic formation, then spoke with affirmation, “The Bloodcore and the Lord Captain are intrinsically linked, it would be almost impossible to separate them from each other.”

“It is the source of his Lordship’s bloodline.”

“If it was forcibly extracted, it would cause irreversible harm.”

When the young man heard that conclusion, he couldn’t help but frown.

The core of the Bloodline Purification formation as the Bloodcore, it could not be substituted, if it could not be taken out, the Bloodline Purification formation could not be built.

Without this alchemy formation, the survivors’ aptitude could not be improved.

“Rest first, they we’ll conduct a second test.” Said Cang Xu.

The dragonman youngster did not feel tired, but Cang Xu an Zi Di needed to rest.

After resting for an hour, the three people carried out a second experiment.

With Cang Xu’s guidance, the dragonman youngster activated the Bloodcore and emitted the blood light magic.

The blood light magic was quickly absorbed by the magic formation.  

The blue-white formation was quickly dyed red.

“Not bad!” Cang Xu exposed a cheerful look.

Zi Di also relaxed, “Since the Bloodcore magic can do this, it won’t be necessary to extract it. We only need to build a supplementary magic formation that can store the magic temporarily. The magic can then be imbued into the Bloodline Purification formation, and allow it to function as designed.”

Cang Xu nodded, he approved of that method.

“For the next test, I ask your Lordship to use the Bloodcore.”

The test target was an ocean fish, a bronze level magic beast.

During the day, the Deep Sea Monster Fish had used alchemy puppets to catch it.

The young captain first used the Bloodcore to absorb the magic beast fish, then he used the absorbed bloodline to transform himself.

The result of the transformation was that three long fish scales formed on his upper arm.

“Wonderful, how wonderful!” Cang Xu not only witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, he had also been observing it with alchemy equipment.

His voice shuddered with a rarely seen tremble, making his shock and excitement clear.

Following this, Cang Xu provided a second experimental material.

It was the same type of fish.

It was nearly identical to the fist, and belonged to the same species, however it emitted a golden luster.

Cang Xu specially ordered the tower spirit to use alchemy to raise this ocean fish’s level.

After the dragonman youngster absorbed it, Cang Xu asked, “How much of the bloodline did you absorb?”

Although Cang Xu had the alchemy formation, and could see the Bloodcore, the one that could control and examine the Bloodcore the most thoroughly was still the dragonman youngster.

The dragonman youngster replied with, “Less than half compared to before.”

“Excellent.” Cang Xu looked at Zi Di.

Zi Di gazed back at Cang Xu, “This is consistent with our prior hypothesis. Continue the experiment.”

The third test was like the second, it was still a comparison test.

The dragonman youngster tried to use the Bloodcore to absorb two lumps of stone.

The Bloodcore could not absorb the first piece of stone.

While the latter could be.

The dragonman youngster understood why, “The latter stone piece was from a rockman torso?”

“Correct.” Zi Di nodded.

Rockmen were a type of mutated elemental lifeform

Their bodies were made up of stone, and they had humanoid physiques.

The result of this test couldn’t help but make the youngster pensive.

Next was the fourth test.

Cang Xu called out a fish soul, and had the young man try to absorb it.

The dragonman youngster used the Bloodcore again.

After a moment, the scarlet light consumed the fish soul utterly.

After absorbing it, the young man immediate examined the Bloodcore, then said, “There really is a bit of bloodline, almost all of it belonged to the magic fish?”

Cang Xu nodded, “I intentionally prepared this experimental material for today. It is indeed a sea fish I possessed and transformed into a fish ghost.”

The young man nodded and showed a trace of happiness and ease, “The Bloodcore is effective against ghosts, I never tried it before.”

Necromancy after all was a new school of magic, it was on the forefront of this era and many streams of necromancy hadn’t been developed into effective methods.  For example, take the Deep Sea Monster Fish, it had no way of stopping ghosts, and its tenacious hull could be penetrated by them.

But the Bloodcore was still effective.

This was good news.

Especially for Cang Xu.

But Cang Xu did not seem surprised.

He analyzed, “Today’s experiments validated your Lordship’s previous conclusions, as well as War Merchant’s research data. The Bloodcore really is effective against any targeted lifeform. Therefore, it cannot absorb normal stones, but since elemental lifeforms are also living beings, it could absorb the stone torso.”

“As for ghosts, they are certainly also a lifeform, it isn’t strange that the Bloodcore can absorb them too.”

The dragonman youngster was still puzzled, thus Cang Xu continued his explanation, “There are many kinds of diverse lifeforms, although the most common is flesh, there are also elemental bodies. Before necromancy appeared, there were already undead lifeforms. Ghosts were one kind of undead, but unlike most lifeforms, it is made of negative energy.”   

“The Bloodcore can absorb bloodlines, and essence of bloodlines are that they are the information of life.”

“For example, people need to mate male and female to reproduce. At the beginning it is a mere embryo. In a mother, the embryo gradually grows a head, legs, and other body parts until finally, the mother gives birth, and the umbilical cord is cut.”

The appearance and figure of people always look similar. Why does an embryo always grow up to look like a person? Why don’t they grow horns, a tail, or other things? (Not including hybrid children)”

It is because all embryos contain the same life information.”  

“Human souls are a portion of life. Human souls bear a striking resemblance to their living appearance, the same physique, without horns, tails, carapace, or other body parts. This is also because of life information.”

Finally, Cang Xu summed it all up, “In other words, if the target has life information, the Bloodcore can affect it. Its purpose is actually to absorb external life information and give it to its host.”

Cang Xu was worthy of being a magician and an old scholar. With only a few tests, he had deepened the youngster’s understanding of the Bloodcore again.

Zi Di contemplated on the side, “In that case, according to this outcome, the Bloodcore actually has a wide range of targets. Not only lifeforms, but also materials from living beings. There are many weapons and alchemy goods that are built from biomaterials.”

“Fore example, the Solemn Autumn God Bow.”

“It is an elf race divine artifact, the bulk of it is made up of the World Tree’s branches. Through a series of methods, along with fortune and chance, this god bow was progressively created.”

“If we used the Bloodcore to absorb the god bow, we would obtain the World Tree’s life information!”

“Could I transform into a world tree?” The dragonman youngster’s heart shook.

The World Tree was a god level lifeform.

After maturing it automatically was promoted to the gold level.

The World Tree’s fruit was called Planar Fruit. Every fruit contained a plane within them.

Reportedly, it is said that a long lived World Tree could merge all Planar fruits together and form a brand new main world!

In the main world, the World Tree no longer existed.

During the elven golden age, the main world had 3 World Trees.

That time was known as the age of the Elven Empire.

The elves were that era’s darling, and lorded over heaven and earth.

The three great elven empires each had a World Tree and fought each other. The bitter struggle led to the decline of the elven clans, allowing the other races to spring up. The main world no longer had any World Trees, not even a sapling.

The Solemn Autumn God Bow was made of the few remaining branches of the World Trees.

The dragonman youngster quickly calmed down, “No, even if I absorbed the Solemn Autumn God Bow, I would obtain an incomplete World Tree’s bloodline.”

“The ocean fish I just absorbed was transformed through alchemy, causing me to absorb less of its bloodline.”

“The Solemn Autumn God Bow is main material is World Tree branches, it too has been transformed a lot and its life information has been damaged greatly.”

“Correct.” Cang Xu nodded, “Alchemical transformation will destroy life information.”

“However, there is still hope for you to collect a complete World Tree bloodline, Captain.”

“There are many subspecies of the World Tree that exist in the world. For instance, there is the Gold Apple Tree, the Living Tree, the War Tree, and so on.”

Lord Captain, when you eliminated the Flame Dragon King, you absorbed the Flame Dragon King bloodline. This is a legend level bloodline, however, to complete it, attacking other Flame Dragon Kings is only possible way.  Another way is to attack the bloodlines descended from the Flame Dragon King. For example, there is the Magma Triceratops, the scarlet scaled dragonmen, the Champion Pterosaur, etc.”

After that was said, the three people grew silent.

Such wide future prospects made the three’s hearts race, they couldn’t help but imagine the infinite possibilities that such a bright future would bring.