Chapter 71: The Undiscovered Traitor

“What can be done?”

“In this situation, we generally need the priest to use a purification spell on us.”

“I fear the priest will be very busy, he won’t be attending to us.” Cang Xu gazed towards the castle.

Zi Di replied, “I can mix some soothing medication, but I cannot guarantee it will work.”

It was a sleepless night.

When daylight came, the entirety of the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps was very dispirited.

Almost everyone had been tormented.

Zong Ge grumbled, it was impossible for him to conduct training, and his training program was forced to be suspended.

Zi Di was still mixing medicine, and needed more time.

“It is unimportant, the first thing to do is to get ahold of the Green Jade Gold Coffin.” Zi Di emphasized repeatedly.

With this goal in mind, the dragonman youngster paid Tan Qiu a visit.

But Tan Qiu shook his head and stated that his hands were tied, “Nowadays, matters related to the alliance are all handled by the priest.”

The dragonman youngster found the priest.

The priest first expressed his gratitude: the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps had been outstanding during the battle against the demons. But soon after, he tactfully declined the young man’s request to acquire a reward.

“Can you tell me the reason why?” The dragonman youngster solemnly turned, “In the last battle, my Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps sustained great damage. If I could have some resources, we could recuperate better and regain our battle strength.”

With a complex tone, the priest replied, “How should I put it?”

“What does Lord Long Fu think the biggest problem with the alliance is?”

The dragonman youngster’s expression stirred slightly, “Could it be…”

When the priest saw how tongue tied the young man was, he knew the other had understood his apprehension.

He said candidly, “Correct, it’s the undiscovered traitor!”

“Previously, Tan Qiu’s tax collector ship was attacked. Their secret shipping route had been leaked, indicating that the feudal lord has a traitor hidden at his side.”

“If that unfound traitor could learn that secret, they must hold a high position.”

“Thims time, the demon raid caused immense harm to the town. Just by himself, Mo Kong left us covered in dirt. Why?”

“The main reason is that he had the help of the magic formation, and that magic formation was located right underneath the castle.”

“Think about that carefully, is it not ridiculous?”

“His territory has already been infiltrated to this extent!”

“To covertly build that magic formation in such a place would be impossible without the traitor’s assistance.”

“Therefore, we have decided to not grant rewards for the time being.”

“Wait until after Rou Zang’s pirates have been annihilated, then we shall evaluate your merits and reward you for them.”

“This is to avoid the traitor haunting us from stealing our resources and attacking the alliance’s morale!”

The dragonman youngster’s look sank slightly, “Don’t tell me you suspect we are the traitors? You must know that after we only came to Snake Rat Island after being attacked by Rou Zang’s pirates, nor are we one of the feudal lord’s people.”

The father chuckled, “Lord Long Fu, if my next words offend you, please forgive me.”

“Mystery follows in your group’s footsteps, one can say your history is unknown.”

Although you say you are a mercenary corps, based on our investigation, your group isn’t registered in the Mercenary Guild’s database.”

“Your group defeated Rou Zang twice, an impressive military record.

“However, silver levels defeating a gold level is an exceedingly rare thing.”

“If it wasn’t seen personally, ordinary people would fine it hard to believe.”

“As the alliance commander, even if I trust your group, I also need to bear responsibility for the others, no?”

The priest still spoke relatively tactfully.

The dragonman youngster could only regretfully leave for the time being.

After returning, he discussed it with the others.

Cang Xu coldly snorted, “He simply doesn’t trust us!”

Zong Ge shook his head, “If I were Rou Zang, I would also likely arrange a specific troop to infiltrate the enemy during a prior attack on Snake Rat Island.”

“Our origins are certainly suspicious, it is unclear, and it is normal to be suspicious of it.”

The dragonman youngster muttered to himself, “If we are suspected, the other groups don’t have grounds to run away either. Such as the Night Devil Hunting Group and Hei Fei’s fleet.”

Zi Di frowned, “If that happens, how can the alliance deal with Rou Zang’s pirate group if they suspect each other?”

Although Guang Ke had accepted the request and joined the alliance, after the demon raid, the entire alliance had sank to misgivings and had a crisis of confidence.

They weren’t a singular group, rather Tan Qiu had cajoled them together by every possible mean. 

Even worse, because of the lack of funds, Tan Qiu wasn’t the commander, rather he had abdicated it to the priest.

As the undiscovered traitor hadn’t been rooted out, the priest delaying remuneration was the correct choice.

The situation was not something the Dragon Lion Mercenary Crops could direct, thus the survivors decided to continue recuperating and wait for the situation to develop further.

After fighting the demons, the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps had to treat their wounded properly.

Zi Di did her best to mix medicine, but it didn’t do much.

She sought the tower spirit’s help to try and improve the medicine.

The arduous research took all of her energy, and she valued every second of it.

When not researching, she was meditating and practicing magic.

While meditating, she, like Cang Xu, also had overwhelming thoughts that dragged her into deranged hallucinations.

“Waa…” A baby wailed.

Zi Di immediately stopped mixing medicine and ran to the infant’s bed.

“Oh, my small darling” She carried up the baby and warmly consoled.

The child she held belonged to her and the dragonman youngster.

It was a boy.

He had a dragon head and a human body.

As the boy cried, from time to time, he would belch out one or two small flames.

The baby’s bed was set ablaze and was instantly cremated.

Zi Di did not mind.

She was now very wealthy.

After redeeming themselves, she and the dragonman youngster married and had a child. With War Merchant’s inheritance, she made a fortune every day and revitalized the Wisteria Merchant Alliance.

“So, you were hungry.”

“Come, drink this.”

“I developed this milk medication specifically for you.”

Zi Di brought the baby to a cistern.

The cistern was filled with milky white milk medication.

Holding the baby’s legs, Zi Di dunked his dragon head into the milky white medication.

The baby drank the mixture.

The liquid level of the medication quickly dropped, until it was completely gone.

The baby began to grow. After drinking the medicine, he grew from the size of a one year old to the size of a four or five year old. 

“Stop growing, if you grow anymore, your father won’t recognize you when he returns.” Zi Di was both delighted and worried.

At that moment, Fei She burst through the door, panic filled his face, “Its horrible, Lord President. You husband drowned while swimming!”

“Impossible! He is a legend level person, how can he drown while swimming?” Zi Di didn’t dare to believe this disheartening news.

“Hehehe, of course, I assassinated him.” An assassin then appeared, they had a demigod level aura. “It’s time for you to join him!”

“No, why are you doing this to me? We already gave up the divine artifacts and received our pardons!” Zi Di’s eyes went red.

“The Wisteria Merchant Alliance is too large! No one allowed your merchant alliance to invade and occupy the benefits of many nobles. You three will all die!” After the assassin finished speaking, he immediately attacked.

Zi Di fell in a pool of blood, and as she lay dying, she saw the assassin murder her child, destroying her family root and branch.

She shrieked, then suddenly woke up.

Her weak ghostly body looked like a clump of smoke.

A strand of black smoke emitted from her body.

She had sustained a grave injury.

The repercussions of the Fear spells and the Domain of the Light of Contrition had exceeded the survivors’ expectations.

It wasn’t just Zi Di, the others were also suffering these disturbances.

“Perhaps, we should seek the priest’s aid, he knows the Purification divine spell.” The dragonman youngster suggested.

The priest is busy calming down the people, and is very busy, in addition, his medical treatment is very expensive.” Zi Di overruled, “Don’t forget, we have the Anti-investigation and Prophecy spell and the Deceptive Disguise spell on us. The purification divine spell will weaken the effects of those magics.”

Although it is unlikely our true identities will be revealed, after those two magics are impaired, we have to replenish them.”

“The replenishment cost is immense, we don’t have the finances to support it.”

Cang Xu followed up, “Time will solve this problem. This is not a curse, and as time passes, the repercussions will grow weaker.”

Tan Qiu was caught in his own nightmare.

He took on a younger appearance.

He was on a ship that was drifting through the sea, its sails burning.

There were pirate ships all around.

The young Tan Qiu was taken by pirates and brought to Rou Zang.

“Kneel!” Tan Qiu was forced to his knees.

Rou Zang narrowed his eyes and looked down at Tan Qiu, “Hehe, a noble! Very good, I look forward to ransoming you.”

But Tan Qiu shook his head, his face dark, “I am from an unremarkable branch clan, to obtain the rights to Snake Rat Island, I had to sell off all my family assets and used up all my contacts. If you want to ransom me, you will be quite disappointed.”

“Then what use are you? Die!” Rou Zang had no patience for this, and immediately got up to tear Tan Qiu to shreds.

But Tan Qiu immediately shouted, “Don’t kill me!”

“Although I can’t be ransomed, I have the right to run Snake Rat Island!”

“Release me, I can secretly deliver you benefits and give you information on merchant alliance ships.”

“Snake Rat Island has abundant magic beast resources, as long as you give me time and let me run it, I can have profits.”

“The Hunting Guild will certainly be interested.”

“Merchant alliances will follow, I will get in touch with merchant alliances. You’ve heard of the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance, right? It is a world famous merchant alliance!”

“Let me go, and your earnings will increase immensely.”

Rou Zang hesitated, he looked at Mo Kong.

Mo Kong pondered for a while, then said to Rou Zang, “Boss, he speaks the truth.”

“These seas belong to us.”

“But it hasn’t been prosperous. There are many islands, but all of them are quite impoverished and dilapidated.

“If he can develop Snake Rat Island, this place will be prosperous and have many more merchant ships passing through.”

“Who would think that the feudal lord here is our inside line?”

“Is that not quite interesting?”

Rou Zang thought on it, then burst into laughter, “Good words.”

“Henceforth, you are now one of ours.”

“If you betray me in the future, you will die!”

Mo Kong sneered, “You will first sign this magic contract.”

Tan Qiu went white, and he tenaciously clenched his teeth, “Before I sign the contract, I have one condition.”

“You dare to put in a condition?” Rou Zang raised his brows, and his killing intent flared.

Tan Qiu weathered the immense pressure and looked Rou Zang face to face, “Kill all of the other pirates around! I don’t wish to have this many knowing this secret. Otherwise, any leak will cause me to lose my standing and you won’t be able to fish up any benefits!”

Rou Zang and Mo Kong sank into silence.

The pirates around them stood up anxiously, each of them begging for forgiveness and swearing their vows.

“That damnable noise, I’ll kill you all!” Rou Zang grinned evilly as he went about murdering his underlings.