Chapter 68: Guang Ke!

“Tut!” In the depths of the castle, Mo Kong couldn’t help but mumble.

Guang Ke had hindered the horn devil’s attack, allowing the priest to escape with his life.

The horn devil exploded in anger and swung his left claw.

Guang Ku suddenly disappeared, then a moment later, reappeared above the horn devil’s head.

He raised his left leg up, then struck it down.

Battle Skill – War Axe!

Gold battle qi bubbled out, and in tandem with the downward chopping leg, they together formed a golden shadow of a battle-axe.

The horn devil felt dread, and did his best to evade, thus the shadow didn’t split his head, however, the it did cut his horn.

The tremendous blow forced his head downwards, and snapped the horn further.

The horn devil fell to the ground, and responded by throwing his spiked chain.

The spiked chain extended into the air, but hit emptiness.

Guang Ke, who had been floating in the air, had disappeared again.

A moment later, Guang Ke’s legs suddenly appeared in the horn devil’s vision.

Dark red eyes turned, then abruptly contracted.

The horn devil saw that Guang Ke was in front of him, his arms outstretched, his hands open, and his palms pointed at him.

Battle skill – Castle Breaking Hammer!

Gold battle qi wildly flowed to form a gigantic light hammer that ruthlessly smashed down.


The horn devil shrieked as he was crushed by the two meter across light hammer.

Innumerous bones broke and organs were seriously wounded, causing him to scream and bleed.

“Is that Guang Ke’s battle strength? He has proven himself.”

“So strong, the horn devil is unable to fight back.”

“It is obviously a most ordinary battle skill, yet it has such might!”

Zi Di and Cang Xu’s hearts shook.

They had wanted to secretly attack Lan Lu when they saw the horn devil appear, causing them to abandon this plan and instead rush to the plaza to reinforce the dragonman youngster and Zong Ge.

En route, they saw Guang Ke make his appearance.

Guang Ke was powerful, with two battle skills, he had taken control of the situation, and beaten the horn devil into submission.

The horn devil struggled to get up and raise his head to howl.

He rallied all of the demons and devils to him, and one after the other, they came.

Hook devils, needle demons, and imps converged in a wave to form a tide to roll through.

Right now, the higher-ups of Snake Rat Island were still under the affect of the Fear spell, and were unable to defend themselves.

Guang Ku quickly rose into the sky and let the horn demon off for the time being. He bowed his head, closed his eyes, and placed his palms to his chest as his entire body began to shoot rays of light.

Divine spell – Domain of the Light of Contrition!

In a split second, the public square was bathed in white light.

Regardless of whether it was humans or devils, the only thing they could see was a vast expanse of whiteness.

The divine contrition light quickly spread, and within a few short breaths, it covered the entire town.

The white light caused the devils within it to wail in anguish.

Black smoke radiated from their bodies, their movements became incomparably slow, and it looked like they were being pressed by an unbearable weight.

“Such beautiful light!”

“Why don’t I feel anything?”

“Ah. I am in pain, I was wrong, I was mistaken…”

The humans reacted in a variety of ways. Some felt nothing, some felt the white light was harsh on the eyes, and others began to cry tears of remorse.

“This divine spell is one of the Justice God’s!”  

“Living beings within the Domain of the Light of Contrition suffer the punishments of their sins.”

“The heavier the sin, the greater their pain, and the deeper the sense of repentance they feel.”

The priest quickly identified the origin of this divine spell.

He was the first under the radiant light to struggle free from the Fear spell and recover himself.

The priest ran his eyes around, and noticed that the divine spell had made many of the powerful members of Snake Rat Island emit black smoke, with Tan Qiu and the dragonman youngster emitting a lot of it!

The other survivors didn’t fair much better.

Cang Xu and Zi Di were in a difficult situation, they were forced to hide in an empty street corner, their sins forming a black cloud that shrouded their entire bodies.

Battle skill – Attuned Divine Arrow of Light!

Guang Ke used another battle skill.

He lifted both hands, and gold battle qi gushed out to form an immense ball of light.

The ball of light jetted into the air, then transformed into myriad arrows of golden light that shot everywhere in all directions.

The arrows of light avoided all of the humans, and only pierced the demons, not even Lan Lu in the distance was let off.

A few seconds later, these myriad arrows of light quickly dissipated, and not a single demon was standing.

The Domain of the Light of Contrition slowly dissipated.

“What was that battle skill?”

“It looked like the Wang Clan’s signature skill, the Attuned Divine Arrow of Light! The condensed light arrows were able to follow where the fighter’s spirit wanted them to go, and were able to directly lock onto enemies.”

“Lan Lu…is dead.”

Cang Xu and Zi Di quickly exchanged in the corner.

The divine spell, Domain of the Light of Contrition, completely dissipated, and they went back to normal.

The previous battle skills, War Axe and Castle Breaking Hammer, were but normal things that were circulated everywhere, while the Attuned Divine Arrow of Light was the Wang Clan’s unique battle skill. Compared to War Axe and Castle Breaking Hammer, it was far grander and outstanding.

Guang Ke first relied on the Domain of the Light of Contrition to control these devils, preventing them from escaping and sapping their spirits so they couldn’t use racial magics.

Afterwards, he used the battle skill, Attuned Divine Arrow of Light, to completely claim victory.

The gold level horn devil was riddled by hundreds of light arrows that left countless holes all over his body, he was left so horrible that none bared to look at him.

He cried out a final time, then with a final grunt, his life aura was gone.

The dragonman youngster, Zong Ge, and the others regained their minds.

“Lord Guang Ke, thank you…” Tan Qiu was just about to express his gratitude.

“Don’t finish that.” Guang Ke gazed at the castle grounds.

“So, you were hiding there,” His tone was flat.

“Oh no!” Mo Kong suddenly felt he was locked onto, and his mind trembled, and without hesitating, he immediately activated the magic formation.

The magic formation’s glow quickly increased.

Guang Ke had already moved, a gold level battle skill bombarded the ground, the attack causing the entire castle to shudder. 

The soil was penetrated, and an underground passage quickly formed.

Guang Ke went first, with the dragonman youngster, Zong Ge, Tan Qiu, and the rest following closely after.

“Faster, go faster!” Mo Kong turned pale from panic.

His battle strength was already at rock bottom.

Even with the help of this magic formation, this was the first time he had summoned many demons.

“Faster, just a bit faster!” In another place, Cang Xu and Zi Di were casting magic on Lan Lu’s corpse.

Guang Ke and the other powerful forces were in the underground passage, leaving no one around Lan Lu.

With such an opportunity before them, the two necromancers decided to clench their teeth and take a risk.

“It’s too late.” Mo Kong’s heart slammed against his chest, he grinded his teeth and cut out his left eye.

In spite of the bleeding eye socket and sharp pain, he treated his own left eye as a casting material.

High-level Fear spell!

Sensing the aura of magic, the vigilant priest shouted and lifted a sacred crest.

“My God, protect us!” He softly cried.

A moment later, the magic hit everyone.

The sacred crest’s light only lasted two seconds, before it suddenly became dark.

With the protection lost, everyone once again sank into endless panic and fearfully ran all over the place in an attempt to retreat.

Guang Ke was also affected, and it caused him to stand in place, deadlocked for a second.

After making every second count, Mo Kong finally activated the magic formation safely and formed a bright gateway. 

On impulse, he leaped into the bright gateway and was teleported away.

The bright gateway vanished shortly after.

“Let him escape.” Guang Ke sensed what had happened a moment later.

Tan Qiu and the others arrived in the underground space soon after, and saw the magic formation, confirming that the originator of all the evil had been Mo Kong.

“This should be the place where we determined spatial nodes were. I didn’t expect that it wasn’t Tan Qiu’s escape route, but rather a secret arrangement of Rou Zang’s pirate group!” The dragonman youngster instantly made the connection to what they had scouted out earlier.

“How could there be an underground space here?”

“I didn’t expect that Rou Zang had such a trick lying in wait!”

“How awful. How did they achieve this, how did they successfully construct such a large magic formation under the feudal lord’s castle?”

“It seems that Mo Kong is no simpleton. Previous intelligence is wrong, he is not only a warlock, but rather a genuine magician!”

The higher-ups discussed with each other. 

Tan Qiu was the most distressed.

The underground space and magic formation had been below his castle.

This lost him face.

The priest glanced at him, then brokered a compromise, “Comrades-in-arms, an investigation can wait until later, our top priority is to first pacify the masses, clean up the battlefield and prevent any stragglers from slipping away!”

“That’s right.” Guang Ke nodded, despite being confident that he killed all of the demons, to guard against the unexpected, he still erred on the side of caution.

Everyone returned above ground to clean up the battlefield, account the damages, and assist in mollifying the citizens.

There were many casualties, and the sounds of wailful grieving propagated from innumerable collapsed buildings.

Tan Qiu’s brows wrinkled as he inspected: it would be expensive to rebuild these homes.

Meanwhile, he quietly assigned people to disseminate news that the murderer behind this attack was Mo Kong, the first mate of Rou Zang. 

Very quickly, this news had spread widely.

Grief and indignation mingled in the populace, and the shouts for vengeance rose dramatically.

Tan Qiu succeeded in controlling public opinion, and once again assembled the inhabitants in the public square.

But this time, he was no longer in the leading role.

The priest stood up and with the posture of a leader, established the alliance.

“Under the endless divine light of my God, Heavenly Emperor Sheng Ming, our victory is inevitable, and we will render divine judgment onto Rou Zang and his men!” The priest ended his lengthy speech with this statement. 

The crowd shouted their intense thirst for vengeance, the casualties had made them both sorrowful and wrathful, thus many people were shouting at the top of their lungs.

The survivors were mixed in with the crowd, each of them bearing a somewhat complex expression.

Not long after, everyone returned to their own ship.

Zong Ge had a heavy expression, “There is a big problem. As far as I know, constructing such a large magic formation would be very noisy, yet the Rou Zang’s pirate group was able to conceal it from the islanders. How did he accomplish this? Tan Qiu’s castle was above it, how didn’t he detect even a hint of it?”

Cang Xu narrowed his eyes, “Do you think Rou Zang has a traitor in Tan Qiu’s ranks? That with the assistance of this undiscovered traitor, he was able to conceal the construction of this formation?”

Zong Ge nodded, and brought up a prior affair, “Previously, a tax collector ship’s route was leaked, and many people speculated that there might be an enemy within their ranks. If there was, who were they? If we aren’t able to find this traitor, how can we battle against Rou Zang’s pirate group? We’d be too passive!”

Zi Di shook her head, “This is something we no longer need to concern ourselves with.”

“Our contribution during this fight isn’t small, we can use this contribution to obtain the Green Jade Gold Coffin.”

“We can already withdraw.””

Zong Ge and the dragonman youngster all stared at her, then reacted shortly after.

This seemed to make sense!