Chapter 66: Devil Ambush

Like a reckless ox, Lan Lu charged into the crowd.

He crashed into many people, tossing them into the air, the horrifying crunch of breaking bones and dying screams lingering afterwards. “Run away.” “Don’t step, don’t step on me!” “Save me, save me!”

The frenzied crowd scuttled and fled, and in the chaos, trampled each other.

Space fluctuated again.

This time, it wasn’t an imp, but rather a needle demon!

The needle demons were red or dark green. They were humanoid shaped, tall, had a pair of malevolently sharp claws, and slender and nimble tails. The most dreadful thing about them were the sharp thorns growing all over their bodies, these thorns served as both their offense and defense.

The needle demons caused an even greater massacre.

These demons moved swiftly and agilely, jumping onto roofs and across walls. When they leapt into the crowd, they were bound to set off a reign of carnage.

Tan Qiu and the priest went white. 

The imps were bad, but the needle demons had instantly worsened the situation further.

For a moment, the entire town sank into an abyss of suffering. Tan Qiu immediately gave an order to the city guard commander, “Don’t tangle with Lan Lu, command the city guard and kill all of those demons!”

It was only natural that the town and its people were more important than Lan Lu.

They were Tan Qiu’s riches!

The city guard commander also knew the situation was anything but reassuring, thus he promptly abandoned Lan Lu and instead led the city guard into where the most demons had gathered. “Everyone, the situation is urgent, act with haste! I will reward you.” Tan Qiu said to the dragonman youngster, Hei Fei, and the rest.

Everyone nodded, and entered the fray.

Zong Ge rushed through the crowd in a straight line, and whatever was in his way, regardless of whether it was imp or human, was left a bloody pulp.

A dark green needle demon suddenly jumped from above, and aimed its sharp claws at Zong Ge’s eyes.

Zong Ge unsheathed his broadsword.

The broadsword slashed the air with a silver flash, bisecting the needle demon into two.

Not far off, Hei Fei climbed onto a balcony.

The balcony had a few murdered ladies on it, with imps gnawing on their flesh. 

Hei Fei swung his cutlass and beheaded many of the imps. “Night Devil Hunting Group, assemble with me!” The Night Devil Hunting Commander prioritized rallying his subordinates.

They were well coordinated as they directly crossed blades with a group of imps.

The imps quickly found they were no match and scattered away.

The Night Devil Commander sneered, although a gold tide snake had caused his hunting group disastrous casualties, the ones that remained were more elite as a result.

A needle demon trampled onto a wall, then swooped down at Ba Hu.

Ba Hu, with war hammer in both hands, stood ready.

He heaved his war hammer, and blocked the needle demon’s claw.

The needle demon’s attack was obstructed, but that only caused it to laugh sinisterly.

A moment later, another needle demon emerged from under him, its sharp needles flying directly at Ba Hu’s back.

Ba Hu was startled and mad as he urged his battle qi.

A battle skill was used, and in a split second, his defense had been greatly augmented, allowing him to firmly withstand the needle demons’ pincer attack. “If I kill you, who knows how many bounties I’ll get?” Ba Hu sneered, his battle fervor unafraid.

Tan Qiu stood on the high platform, and didn’t act. Instead, he ran his eyes across the battlefield, battle-ready.

By his side stood the Sheng Ming Church priest, as well as the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance magician.

Around them was a small squad of orderly templar knights.

The magician had just used a detection type magic, her eyes were tightly closed, and her magical aura seeped all over the place.

The priest was waiting for an opportunity, and didn’t act.

The magician suddenly spoke, “Currently, I have detected 33 iron level needle demons, 124 bronze level needle demons, 47 bronze level imps, and a combined total of 368 ordinary needle and imps.”

Imps were the lowest rank of devil. Needle demons were also low ranked, but a step above the imps.

Even so, the sudden appearance of these demons had brought about the perfect ambush that ravaged Snake Rat Island.

Tan Qiu’s complexion grew more unsightly.

The longer the situation went on, the greater the damage he would suffer.

Snake Rat Island had been painstakingly build by him, a place he had spent his heart’s blood and energy to realize.

Now, he was witnessing his work being destroyed, and his heart burned with both anxiety and anger.

But he still retained his rationality: calm down! Calm down! “What is the other party’s aim?” “The execution ground? Saving Lan Lu?” “Is this the vanguard assault of Rou Zang pirate group?”

Tan Qiu did not understand!

If he were Rou Zang, there was no way he would rescue someone he barely had a connection with like Lan Lu.

It also was unlikely he had decided to assault Snake Rat Island.

Snake Rat Island had both an army and a strong navy. There were many defensive methods here, and if Rou Zang wanted to attack this place, it was tantamount to abandoning his greatest advantage while attacking the enemy’s greatest strength. One had to suffer brain damage to do this.

“If he wanted to attack this place, wouldn’t have done so while I was building the island up? There was no reason he needed to wait until now?”

Regardless of how he thought about it, if the enemy’s intentions were unknown, Tan Qiu wouldn’t engage in the battle. This included his most secret underling, the silver female thief, he wouldn’t order her to move either.

It was a hidden trump card, one he still wanted to preserve for later.

Space once again fluctuated.

This time, three devils appeared.

These devils were sinister and fiendish, their two eyes were scarlet, their two long horns extended from their foreheads, and they had scarlet long tongues and jagged sharp teeth. From their chins grew thorny whiskers that hooked into beards.

They had purple, red, or even green skin, large tails, and had long, sawtooth machetes in their hands. Each of them was at least 1.8 meters tall, and were each a ferocious figure.

Hook devils!

There were only a few hook devils, only 5 in total, but all of them were silver level.

Tan Qiu’s and the priest’s expressions couldn’t help but change dramatically.

The was the world of the strong.

When the silver level devils appeared, their battle strength fundamentally changed everything! 

The hook devils immediately attacked Hei Fei, Ba Hu, and the others, while simultaneously mustering a large amount of imps and needle demons to their side to form small battle groups.

Devils were different from demons, devils were more orderly and understood how to work as a team. “Have you still not found the caster?” Tan Qiu couldn’t help but raise his tone as he urged the merchant alliance magician. The merchant alliance magician’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her eyes were gloomy, “I can’t find them!” “But if I were to guess who it is, this should be Mo Kong’s work.” “He is Rou Zang’s most useful underling, and is Rou Zang’s first mate, second to on him.” “According to intel, he has a devil bloodline. I didn’t expect that he would be this powerful!” “But he is only a silver level, moreover, he is just a warlock. The devils present are likely the limits of his abilities.”

Tan Qiu couldn’t help but shake his head.

He had already arrived at the magician’s conjecture.

But what use was there in saying that now?

Finding Mo Kong was crucial. “Until now, I still haven’t found a trace of Rou Zang’s pirate group.” “We cannot find Mo Kong, who knows if there are other people we haven’t found either?”

When Tan Qiu thought that the pressure on his mind increased greatly.

His hands and feet were tied by fear that Rou Zang would suddenly appear and ambush him.

The enemy is in the dark, while I am in the light. Thus, he had to protect the priest and magician well.

He was a battle qi cultivator and was the final line of defense for the priest and magician. “Now, I can only hope that they are able to handle those devils.” “I hope that the postwar damage will be less.”

Tan Qiu could only pray from the bottom of his heart.

Hei Fei, the Night Devil Commander, and the city guard commander…Tan Qiu ran his eyes over them when he involuntarily stopped to gaze at Shi Qi.

As a silver peak that was approaching gold, he naturally was expected to do more.

But as he watched from the sidelines for a moment, he noticed that the one who did the most damage was not Shi Qi, but…Long Fu! “You won’t escape!”

The dragonman youngster pursued a needle demon.

The needle demon was coughing up blood incessantly, but it was still moving nimbly. His legs and claws were quickly ascending a wall.

The dragonman youngster pursued closely behind, he was burning with battle fervor.

A moment later, he jumped onto the wall.


With a light echo, an explosion detonated under the soles of his feet, corresponding with his bent knees jumping, giving his body more speed as he jumped the wall blocking him.


With another small explosion under the soles of his feet, he was able to return back over the wall he had jumped over.

After jumping between two walls several times, he leaped onto a roof.

Battle skill – Surge!

In this sudden battlefield, the dragonman youngster’s arduous training of this battle skill had produced a joyous result.

The dragonman youngster had mastered this battle skill thoroughly, and its intensity always followed his intentions, thus he was capable of accurately controlling its might every time.

Before this, he could ascend up walls and jump onto roofs, but without precise control, if it was too powerful, he would have damaged walls, and more importantly, used excessive amounts of battle qi. 

The dragonman youngster used the battle skill, Surge, easily and precisely to his satisfaction.

He jumped into the air, then an explosion detonated behind him, accelerating his speed.

The needle demon couldn’t evade the pouncing dragonman from above.

The thorns the needle demon was covered in were crushed by the red dragon scales, it didn’t harm the dragonman youngster even a little.

The young man grabbed the needle demon’s head with his dragon claws.

A moment later, a large explosion banged from his palms.

Battle skill – Demolition Fist!

The needle demon’s head burst, leaving it a headless corpse.

Before, the dragonman youngster could only use this battle skill when his hands were clenched into a fist.

Now, his degree of control allowed him to use it with hands in any gesture.

After killing the needle demon, the dragonman youngster straightened his back on the roof, then swept his eyes across the battlefield.

The battlefield was in chaos, although he had eliminated all of the demons around him, in other areas, there were still many others.

Especially in the southeast, that was where two hook devils were leading a group of needle demons and imps to encircle the Night Devil Hunting Group.

This was the biggest battlefield.

The Night Devil Hunting Group was losing ground!

“Abominable, if it weren’t for the gold tide snake, we wouldn’t have so few people, and be surrounded by these demons!” The hunting group commander gnashed his teeth.

He was holding back a hook devil, however, the other silver level hook devil was attacking the front of the hunting group’s defensive line.

Hook devil machetes fluttered everywhere.

The saw teeth could easily pierce leather armor, and whenever the blades flashed by, they usually left severed limbs and splattered blood.

Several iron shield guards were already soaked in blood.

The wounds the serrated blades left caused them to bleed profusely, treatment scrolls and medicine only brought a slight relief, they couldn’t patch them permanently. “What do we do?” The hunting group commander felt helpless and directionless when he suddenly heard an explosion. “Who fired that?” Was the hunting group commander’s first reaction.