Chapter 63: Finding the Divine Artifact

The dragonman youngster also came to the tavern.

The wordless crowd shocked him!

“He is a true knight!” The young man’s heart was dashed.

Zong Ge, “Ah Guang Ke, I heard of this man many times.”

Cang Xu sighed ruefully, “He is worthy of being a gold level. If he acts, he can alter the entire situation.”

The Sapphire’s entrance into the harbor had been witnessed by many of the Dragon Lion Mercenaries personally. When the Sapphire was cleaned up, the watery blood and corpses that were swept off were the best proof of Guang Ke’s strength.

Originally, the Two Headed Pirate Group and Rou Zang’s pirate group were a black cloud that suffocated Snake Rat Island and making its future dark.

But now, Guang Ke suddenly appeared and wiped out the Two Headed Pirate Group.  

By the time the Sapphire sailed into the harbor, almost all of the ogres on board were slain in battle. Among the lucky survivors was the two headed ogre, Lan Lu.

Guang Ke had captured Lan Lu.

The pressure on Snake Rat Island plummeted.

The island residents’ morale suddenly rose from the depths to the highest peaks.

“This is the world of the strong! Strong individuals can solve most problems.” Zi Di sighed.

Snake Rat Island had many silver levels, however, they found it difficult to unite together.

Guang Ke’s battle strength was greater than all of those combined, and only he dictated what he determined. Alone he eliminated the incomparably rampant Two Headed Pirate Group.

I have the Bloodcore, and with enough time, we too can be just as strong!” Cang Xu looked at the dragonman youngster, the necromancer’s heart was ardent.

For Tan Qiu, this was simply joy from the heavens!

He had wanted to hire a gold level cultivator to help him eradicate Rou Zang’s pirate group, yet never found one that would agree to it.

How could one just request the help of a gold level expert?

Tan Qiu was just a silver level, and lacked the prestige. The things he could offer were also limited.

Those who reached the gold level were usually the ruler of a region, and didn’t lack individual strength, power, or wealth.

Gold levels like Guang Ke were seldom seen.

Influence and wealth were within his grasp, yet he renounced them and instead traveled the world to help the weak and defend righteousness.

It was because of this that his deeds were widely spread.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance magician found Tan Qiu immediately, she wanted the Sapphire.

That magic ship used to belong to the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance, it was a transportation ship, and its main purpose was to transport sapphires from the Gem Sea.

Lan Lu just stole it away, and the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance didn’t spend much energy trying to take it back.

Of course, the Sapphire was not Tan Qiu’s.

But as the feudal lord, Tan Qiu had received Guang Ke, thus he was automatically responsibly for helping Guang Ke deal with his spoils of war.

This time, it was quite convenient to deal with,

The magician had many plans for the Sapphire.

If she recaptured this ship, her evaluation with the merchant alliance this year was bound to be excellent!

Tan Qiu and the magician negotiated.

This negotiation was entirely different from before.

Tan Qiu firmly held the initiative.

But Tan Qiu didn’t worry about facilitation a cooperation, he still had more important things to do.

He secretly gave orders to a group of commoners organize.

When Guang Ke woke up on the second day and walked into the tavern’s dining room, he saw some kneeling petitioners.

These petitioners lamented to him of how savage Rou Zang’s pirate group was, of how they had suffered under his hand, and that they hoped Guang Ke would rescue them from his grasp.

If Tan Qiu had asked for help himself, Guang Ke would disdain his plea.

But these commoners were different, they moved Guang Ke and filled his heart with pity.

That afternoon, Tan Qiu showed up to show Guang Ke that he was preparing to build an alliance that would crusade against Rou Zang’s pirate group. If Guang Ke joined, then he would treat the island residents well and invest a large sum into the people’s welfare. He recounted how important the future was, if Rou Zang was destroyed, then the people of all islands here would live in harmony and happiness.

Despite getting sleep, Guang Ke looked disheveled.

He looked deeply into the tense Tan Qiu, “Were those people this morning sent by you?”

Tan Qiu stared at him, then nodded with a forced smile.

Just as he was about to explain, Guang Ke raised a hand to stop him, “No need, they rushed to me because their words are without falsehood. Rou Zang’s pirate group is indeed a malignant tumor to this place!”

“My Lord, it is great you have come here to uphold justice!” Tan Qiu was ecstatic, “Please come to the castle, let me offer you hospitality.”

This time, Guang Ke accepted Tan Qiu’s invitation.

“I really do need to rest well.”

“My equipment also needs some repairs.”

“Establishing an alliance these days has troubled you.”

“As for rewarding me for my help, that cannot be avoided.”

Guang Ke would freely help commoners, but he was not as polite with nobles.

“Absolutely not a problem!” Tan Qiu clapped his chest and pledged.

As everyone cheered around, Guang Ke left the tavern with Tan Qiu.

The news he had joined the Rou Zang Suppression Alliance propagated rapidly.

When the church priest, heard this news, he immediately left for the castle to meet Tan Qiu.

Tan Qiu was just about to see him.

Tan Qiu spoke forthright, “I want to ask the legendary gold level, Guang Ke, to help us, however I don’t have enough to compensate him.”

That he even had a gold level here to help was already very lucky indeed.

Guang Ke’s reward would be very high, but he wouldn’t demand more.

“Of course.” The priest considered it, then agreed on the spot, “The church has a few months of monetary contributions saved.”  

“I can take it all out.”

“Anyways, I hope this alliance can promote the name of my religion.”

Tan Qiu hesitated.

In his plan, the alliance should be headed by him, and answer to his name and actions.

Now however, the priest demanded that he publicize the Sheng Ming Church’s name.  

How could his name compare to the Sheng Ming Church?

If he agreed, after the alliance was triumphant, the Sheng Ming Church’s prestige would receive an enormous boost. Meanwhile his efforts as Snake Rat Island’s feudal lord, the one who had been working to build this alliance, would instead be believed to have depend on the Sheng Ming Church’s condemnation to accomplish that feat.  

On Snake Rat Island, the longer time went on, the prestige of the Sheng Ming Church would exceed Tan Qiu’s.

“I accept your condition.” After considering it, Tan Qiu finally agreed through clenched teeth.

He had already decided to lose a family fortune to build this alliance and deal with the combined forces of Rou Zang and Two Head pirate group.

The current situation was already far better.  

This problem was something to deal with in the future.

After obtaining the priest’s full cooperation, Tan Qiu immediate invited all powers to dinner. The dragonman youngster and Zong Ge naturally accepted this invitation.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have already requested the help of Lord Guang Ke. Lord Guang Ke has agreed that we join together and crusade against Rou Zang’s pirate group!” Tan Qiu declared at once.

The others were unsurprised.

Tan Qiu’s visit to the tavern was public, and everyone knew of it.

Since Guang Ke had accepted Tan Qiu’s invitation and entered the castle, it had confirmed that the two had reached an agreement.

“Rou Zang’s pirate group is both savage and tyrannical, they have committed crimes against these waters time and again, now they will taste retribution.” The priest then spoke, and stated that he himself would lead the templar knights in the upcoming naval battle.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance magician then indicated her attitude, “Because of Rou Zang’s pirate group, many people have lost their lives, their property, and many other things. We cannot ignore him again, this is our best chance!”

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance’s transport fleet was ambushed, causing immense damage. Although it wasn’t Rou Zang’s pirate group who had done it, that did not hinder the erupting enmity the magician felt towards Rou Zang.

The bounty hunter, Ba Hu, candidly stood up, “I want to follow Senior Guang Ke, to uphold virtue and condemn evil. I believe firmly that this experience will be one I shall cherish for the rest of my life. Even if it will be the last thing I experience in my life.”

Ba Hu addressed Guang Ke as “senior”, because Guang Ke was also a bounty hunter.

He had traveled everywhere, and through the Bounty Hunter Guild’s bounties and information, had confirmed criminals, attacked criminals, and obtained the rewards to maintain his livelihood.

The Night Hunting Group Commander burst into laughter, “Ba Hu, you are too anxious. With Lord Guang Ke, Rou Zang is nothing to worry about. They also only have three silver levels, while we have least double that amount!”

Tan Qiu excitedly watched everyone discussing, his heart incessantly moved.

Guang Ke’s influence was immense, and when he joined the alliance, the other powers now aspired to participate too. It formed a wonderful and distinct contrast from before.

But Tan Qiu also understood that these people were still a smidge from really joining.

If he wanted them to display their genuine strength, they needed to be heavily compensated!

If not, even if these people go to war, they won’t exert themselves too hard.

He had bring all of these powers to the battlefield. If he lost too many troops, he wouldn’t have easy days on Snake Rat Island in the future, and it was likely that other powers would encroach on it.  

Thus, Tan Qiu fished out a scroll. “We welcome everyone participating in this righteous battle to look at this.”

“Recorded in here are the rules of war.”

“In summary, the stronger everyone fights in this battle, the greater military service given, and the more losses suffered, the greater spoils of war obtained.”

“We don’t know what we will obtain from Rou Zang’s pirate group.”

“Fortunately, our priest was willing to sacrifice anything to offer us a sufficient reward.”

“The rewards are also detailed in that scroll.”

The priest glanced at Tan Qiu, somewhat discontented.

Tan Qiu was still attaching the most importance to himself.

However, the priest still smiled. It was nothing to let Tan Qiu take this petty advantage. He valued what reputation was given publicity, and it was bound to be the Sheng Ming Sect on the forefront.

The leaders who believed in Sheng Ming already believed that to be the case, and it would be difficult to change the minds of those who didn’t.

The priest’s true goal was the numerous residents of Snake Rat Island, as well as the inhabitants of other islands.  

By making those people deeply grateful to the Sheng Ming Church, he would extend the Sheng Ming Church’s influence greatly in this area.

The more followers, the more donations.

The priest had invested funds today so that in the future, it would increase ten or even a hundred fold.

The scroll began to be passed through everyone’s hands.

The Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance magician was the first to beam, she looked at the priest with heartfelt admiration.

Soon after, the Night Hunting Group Commander, Ba Hu, and the others were also moved when they parsed through the detailed scroll.

Because of that scroll, Captain Hei Fei decided to join the alliance on the spot.

The dragonman youngster and Zong Ge quietly glanced at each other.

Both had heavy moods.

The survivors had already decided that they wouldn’t be wading into these muddy waters. Although Guang Ke could deal with Rou Zang and the alliance’s chance of winning was high, the survivors had limited time and didn’t want to be pushed into the limelight.

Keeping a low profile was more advantageous to them.

But now, the dining hall’s ambience was just right.

This time, if the dragonman youngster and Zong Ge refused to go to war, they feared that the other powers would targe them.

Because previously the survivors had sold flame crystal clusters, tide snake eggs, and other resources, Tan Qiu was quite resentful of the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps.

Hei Fe had even enmity towards the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps, if he saw that they were unwilling to go to war, he would likely jump out and incite others by calling the survivors secret pirate traitors, and with everyone’s help he would avenge his personal grudge.

The scroll finally reached the dragonman youngster’s hand.

He examined its superficially, his heart thinking how he should tactfully refuse and deal with the resulting situation.  

This scroll was a alchemy item, it was called endless paper.


The scroll was only 30 centimeters wide. However, when a fighter imbued it with battle qi, a magician with magic power, or a priest with divine power, the contents on the paper would change.

It was like a book compressed into a single sheet of paper.

The paper changed based on the user’s spirit, and if the user wanted to flip either back or forward, it would change based on that desire. If a user wanted to go back to a specific item, it could even change to the corresponding section.

The scroll was half composed of alliance duties and half composed of entitlements.

After agreeing to join the alliance, they had to follow the priest’s commands as much as possible. Of course, unreasonable military commands could be refused.

In the latter half, were the generous rewards for going to war.

The rewards were mainly funded by the priest, and the rest by Tan Qiu.

These rewards not only consisted of gold and silver coins, but also many types of goods.

There were things the dragonman youngster was familiar with, like flame cluster crystals, tide snake eggs, soft heart stone, along with other oceanic goods with cultivation levels, like kelp, fish, and more.

The most appealing thing to him was equipment.

There was Sheng Ming Church armor, knight swords, among others. These could not be bought on the market. Although it was standard Sheng Ming Church equipment, it was made out of sturdy materials and excellent workmanship, thus it had great practical value.   

The dragonman youngster also saw some art pieces.

The price of these art pieces could not be evaluated.

Apart from this, there were title deeds, house deeds, and even slave deeds.

The dragonman youngster was unsurprised by this.

Church contributions did not consist of just gold. Many followers offer up ancestral art, valuable deeds, and even family fishing boats to the church.

Items all had a distinct picture representing them, the art pieces likewise.  

On the contrary, money was just listed as words and numbers.  

The dragonman youngster was nonchalantly looking at it until all of a sudden, his heart sped up.

“What is that?” His heart shouted.  

At that moment, he simply could not believe his eyes.

He found the Green Jade Gold Coffin!

“How is it here?”

“Is it a trap?”

The dragonman youngster pushed down his astonishment, and with all of his strength, attempted to control his expression.

He was not an actor.

He failed.

His change of color made Tan Qiu increasingly pleased, causing him to think to himself: the Dragon Lion Mercenary Corps also wants to join.

When Zong Ge sensed the dragonman youngster’s change, he thought to himself: our captain is s till feigning, that expression of his really looks like he is moved by the generous rewards.

“Take a good look at this.” The dragonman youngster recovered his calmness, and he handed Zong Ge the scroll, his words indicating to him to keep his mouth shut.

Zong Ge took the scroll, and when he saw the top half, his complimented Tan Qiu internally: these rules are quite fair.

But when he saw the latter half, his eyeballs too couldn’t contain themselves from popping.

“The Green Jade Gold Coffin?!”