Chapter 35: Welcoming Banquet

Snake Rat Island, the island lord’s castle.

A banquet was being held, and the dining hall was lit up brightly.

Under a star anise shaped redwood and crystal hanging lamp, a long rectangular table had a circle of people sitting around it.

On top of the rectangular dining table, there were many delicious delicacies, golden cups filled with scarlet wine.

The dining hall’s decorations showed off a noble aura, the wall all around had paintings hanging from them depicting landscapes, things, and all kinds of people. In the four corners, there were also four suits of armor standing like statues. 

“Let us once again toast our heroes of this naval battle!” As Snake Rat Island’s lord, Tan Qiu lifted his wine cup.

This was the third time he had toasted Long Fu and Shi Qi, exposing how abundantly cordial this lord was.

Long Fu (the young captain and Shi Fu (Zong Ge) echoed his toast.

Previously, they had anticipated Rou Zang’s pursuit in advance, and used the gold level cannon to ambush him. Taking advantage of Rou Zang’s eagerness to exact vengeance and unawareness of their trump card, they luckily managed to beat back Rou Zang once again,

Not long after, Tan Qi led the Snake Rat Island patrol fleet out to provide urgent aid to them.

After learning Rou Zang had withdrawn, their assistance turned into welcomes.

With Tan Qiu’s guidance, the Mystifying Monster Island survivors’ five ships entered Snake Rat Harbor and berthed at the island’s sole port.

As the captain and first mate, the young man and Zong Ge were invited by Tan Qiu to a banquet held that same day. 

Of course, Tan Qiu did not only invite the young captain and the half beastman.

Besides them and Tan Qiu, there was also a large and grizzled haired clergyman. He was a Sheng Ming Sect priest who presided over Snake Rat Island’s church.

There was also a fighter with a threatening aura, he was the commander of the Night Devil Group.

Representing the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance was someone that looked like a young woman that was steeped in a magical aura.

A reputable bounty hunter, Ba Hu, was also invited.

Although it was the first time the young man and Zong Ge had met these people, they got acquainted with them through Tan Qiu’s introduction.

All of these people were silver level.

Most of them were fighters, only the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance representative was a silver level magician.

Besides those, there was also the city guard commander, who was also silver level.

It could be said that besides the young man and half beastman, these were the strongest on Snake Rat Island.

These cultivators toasted Tan Qiu on after the other. They also treated the young man and half beastman very cordially.

“Rou Zang has always been very cruel and arrogant, many fear him. This time, two heroes defeated Rou Zang, to the satisfaction of all.”

“I heard that this was not the first time these two have defeated Rou Zang’s pirate group. In the first fight, they annihilated Da Zhao’s pirate group, and in the second fight their full might managed to force Rou Zang to withdraw. Silver levels defeating a gold level is an astonishing accomplishment!”

“Captain Long Fu is no ordinary silver level. Life Scorching Dragon Breath ah…that is an innate skill of the Flame Dragon King bloodline. I believe that soon, the captain’s fighting prowess will be widely spread throughout the seas.”

“Rest well, although Snake Rat Island is small, Rou Zang’s pirate group will never make landfall!”

The cultivators conversed and laughed, each of them expressing their admiration and benevolence in their own way.

Information on the Life Scorching Dragon Breath could not be hidden. Thus, the dragonman youngster exposed it instead to display his strength.

As expected, the island’s higher ups valued it greatly.

The current political situation was being eroded, as when the pirate throne appeared, the pirates had become extremely rampant.

Snake Rat Island did not have a gold level to oversee it, thus with Rou Zang’s pirate group roving the seas around it, the pressure on it would naturally be quite heavy.

Now that they learned Rou Zang’s pirate group had been repelled, they were of course in a cheerful mood.

Naturally, there was also suspicion and jealousy in that merriment.

After all, he was someone capable of directly beating back a gold level powerhouse!

Therefore, within the flattery and praise, there were all kinds of probing questions.

The survivors had prepared for this, and decided to call themselves a mercenary group.

It had been established recently and was not well known.

They had come to the seas only to earn a living.

“What a big appetite, he can eat a lot.” The priest pointed out.

“Correct, your group got rid of Dao Zhao’s pirate group, and can use their heads to obtain the bounty.” Tan Qiu remined with a smile.

The young man and half beastman quickly looked at each other, then Zong Ge asked, “How much is the bounty exactly?”

Tan Qiu shook his head, “I don’t know. There are too many. Recently, bounties on pirates have been popping up more often.”

As a famous bounty hunter Ba Hu presented the information, “In the southeast village, there is a hunter guild office, inside there are details on all kinds of bounties.”

The merchant alliance magician looked like a young lady also smiled, “Our Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance also has an office parallel to the guild, you can take a look at both. The members of your group is welcome to trade with me there at any time.” 

The dragonman youngster nodded, “We will need to trade. Especially Soft Heart Stone, we have a lot on hand.”

At the time, Da Zhao’s pirate group had ransacked Stone Egg Island, and obtained a great amount of these stones.

These alchemy materials played a crucial function in allowing Cang Xu to successfully build a magic formation.

Even after setting a portion in reserve, there was still a massive surplus of Soft Heart Stone. Rather than letting it rot in their hands, it would be better to trade with them in exchange for goods the survivors needed.

This, of course, was said by the young captain deliberately.

As he said this, his gaze went from the Clam Cloth Merchant Alliance magician to Tan Qiu.

According to the imperial territorial division, Stone Egg Island was within Snake Rat Island’s jurisdiction. Stone Egg Island produced Soft Heart Stone that was also transferred to Snake Rat Island to be traded. 

Therefore, the original owner of the Soft Heart Stone was probably not Stone Egg Island, but instead Tan Qiu.

Sensing the young captain’s and Zong Ge’s gazes, Tan Qiu smiled and nodded to the two and directly expressed, “Without your group’s actions, these Soft Heart Stone would have helped the pirates grow in power.”

“You two have helped Snake Rat Island a lot, therefore your group is free to use these spoils of war as you wish!”

Tan Qiu’s definitive position let the dining hall’s ambience grow more relaxed and warmer.

Truth be told, the young captain had a good opinion of Tan Qiu,

Not only because he said, “therefore your group is free to use these spoils of war as you wish”, but also because of his prior assistance.

After the survivors repelled Rou Zang, Tan Qiu’s help arrived,

According to how much time had passed, it was clear that as soon as Tan Qiu received the news, he had acted immediately.

The support fleet Tan Qiu rushed over with was not strong. He knew how powerful Rou Zang was, yet he still personally led forces over to confront the latter.

This was a considerably risky act.

“Perhaps he is a true imperial knight. He is brave, does not fear danger, shoulders responsibility, and does not cower easily.” The young captain looked at Tain Qiu as he internally evaluated him.

As a knight too, the young man had a sense of familiarity with Tan Qiu.

Tan Qiu seemed to also have a good opinion of the survivors as he looked at the dragonman youngster and joyfully said, “If your group needs more supplies, I can offer more aid to you.”

As an imperial noble, Tan Qiu naturally had different channels.

Tan Qiu slowly stood up and ran his eyes over everyone, “In fact, not only can I help our two visitors’ mercenary group, if anyone here needs it, I can seek help on their behalf.”

“We are all on the same side.”

Even if you don’t have enough money to pay, I can you everyone’s contribution to Snake Rat Island to nimbly deal with it and fight for the most aid grants to everyone.”

Tan Qiu deeply sighed, then continued, “Rou Zang is a cruel tyrant who spreads terror throughout the sea. Recently, he has plundered more wildly, ordered massacre, and his hand created the tragedy on Stone Egg Island, he has constantly provoked the empire.”

“Fortunately, we have Long Fu’s and Shi Qi’s heroic contribution. They have brought to justice Da Zhao’s pirate group and made Rou Zang and his people pay a heavy price.”

“However, this is far from enough!”

“Snake Rat Island is imperial territory, and Rou Zang’s Bath Tub appearing so close to it is a grave provocation to the empire, he does not put us in his eyes at all. To sit as this tyrant flaunts his viciousness insults righteousness and strikes at noble glory, it shames our honor.”

“Right now, Rou Zang is severely injured, while his pirate group is scattered.

I propose that everyone here joins hands and attacks together to deal with Rou Zang’s pirate group, and finally eliminate all of these malicious and brutal pirates!”

Tan Qiu’s tone was high-pitched, his eyes gleaming brightly.

The guests around the dining table looked at each other, none of them said anything.

After a brief silence, the priest spoke, “An absolutely sensible and courageous decision. However, at present time, don’t we still lack the ships and sailors necessary?”

The Merchant Alliance magician nodded in agreement, “Our island has industry that needs to be protected. If our entire army sallies out, what will Snake Rat Island do if Rou Zang’s pirate group attacks?”

The Night Devil Hunting Group’s commander then said, “My people are good at land battles and dealing with magic beasts. If our opponents are intelligent races and will be fought on the sea…”

When the Night Devil Hunting commander said that he shook his head with a worried face.

Ba Hu also chimed in, “Rou Zang’s pirate group does not only have Rou Zang, he also has others, like Mo Kong for example.”

“I heard that you, Lord Tan Qiu, has been trying to hire experts?”

“If you can hire a strong gold level to deal with Rou Zang, then you will have assurance.”

Tan Qiu nodded and slowly sat down, “I have always been trying, and thankfully, I have made some headway.”

“Everyone, it is because of everyone’s on Snake Rat Island that we must eradicate Rou Zang’s pirate group!”

“Passively defending this island will lead to a bleak future.”

“Rou Zang is extraordinarily brutal, and for his ranking on the sacred monument, he openly slaughtered islands. If he ransacks all of the islands near Snake Rat Island, his next target will surely be us.”

“If we don’t take measures, we will bear significant damage while letting the pirates mistakenly think we are weak and pitiful.”

“Nowadays, with the Pirate Throne appearing, the pirates are fanatical and rampant. If the other pirates consider this a good hunting ground, we won’t just be dealing with Rou Zang. Our troubles will grow greater!”

Tan Qiu’s words were reasonable, and none weren’t moved.

The dining hall once again sank into silence.

After quite a while, the merchant alliance magician muttered to herself, “Rou Zang has extraordinary strength, he is no ordinary gold level, but a rather strong one.”

“His first mate, Mo Kong, is a silver level warlock who believes in the Great Devil Lord, and an expert in the Fear spell.” 

“One of his subordinate groups is the Grass Head Pirates, that group’s commander, Swordsman Xi Cao, is quite strong.”

“The Flower Wall Pirates are also attached to Rou Zang, that group’s commander, Hua Dun, has both attack and defense. They have a silver level suit of armor and is a hard nut to crack.”

Rou Zang’s pirate group has been a huge threat to merchant alliance trade ships.

As the representative of the merchant alliance, the magician naturally also wanted to root out Rou Zang.

Tan Qiu smiled, “On the one hand, I will hire strong people and strive to ask for a powerful gold level to fight with us. On the other hand, we have the heroes that tangled with Rou Zang on our side.”

When this was said, everyone looked at the dragonman youngster and the half beastman again.

True military success was standing in front of them.

Despite only being silver levels, Long Fu and Shi Qi had repelled Rou Zang twice and had severely injured him in the process.

Upon being confronted with everyone’s expectations, the young man and half beastman glanced at each other, then the former bitterly laughed, “To be frank, we only beat back Rou Zang through sheer luck, the specific details have already been told to everyone.”

After saying that, the young man respectfully looked at Tan Qiu and spoke with a more earnest tone, “With regards to this plan, we will need to think it over a lot!”

Tan Qiu smiled, “But of course.”

The subject was paused from that point, and the banquet continued.

Quickly after, the most important delicacy was presented on the dining table.

“Come taste this island’s signature culinary delicacy. This is smelt rat meat, this is tide snake meat.” Tan Qiu served these to the dragonman youngster and Zong Ge.

The two people ate the magic beast meat, it was indeed delicious.

Not only that, but the magic beast meat contained magic power that over the digestion process, gradually saturated the two’s bodies.

Snake Rat Island’s most distinguishing feature was the island’s underground caverns, where inside there were large quantities of smelt rats and tide snakes.

Smelt rate meat corresponded to fire attribute battle qi while tide snake meat could help with water attribute battle qi cultivators.

The dragonman youngster cultivated the White River battle qi technique, and was obviously partial towards the water attribute. But the young man didn’t eat too much tide snake meat, for he was a dragonman with Flame Dragon King bloodline, as it would be somewhat odd for him to do so.

More importantly, he planned to change his battle qi.

White River battle qi was incompatible with his dragonman form, and even conflicted with it somewhat.